Suurepärased trükitulemused maksimaalse tõhususega
Muutuvate andmete, nagu säilivusaegade, partiinumbrite või vöötkoodide veatu trükkimine on keeruline ülesanne, millega MULTIVACi pakendiprinter erakordselt tõhusalt hakkama saab. Integreeritud printerimoodul sobib ideaalselt teie karbimasinaga ja hõlmab kõikistandardseid printimisprotsesse.
Suur jõudlus ja kulutasuvus
Mitte ühtegi kompromissi usaldusväärsuse, kasutatavuse ja kvaliteedi osas! Teie tootmisprotsesside absoluutne usaldusväärsus on üks teie edu olulisi alustalasid. Seda toetavad lühikesed ümberseadistamisajad ja kõigi standardkilede täpsed trükkimisvõimalused pidevas töörežiimis. Ka madalad tegevuskulud ja maksimaalne korratavus on kulutasuvuse parandamisel võtmetähtsusega.

MULTIVAC Tray Carrier as a solution for packing in small series of batches
For packing small batches in trays, MULTIVAC offers a tray carrier concept, which ensures fast and uncomplicated die changes and a reliable packaging process.
For packing small batches in trays, MULTIVAC offers a tray carrier concept, which ensures fast and uncomplicated die changes and a reliable packaging process.

Success has a name
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.

Networked, reliable and efficient: a new dimension in tray packaging
Premier Custom Foods from Kansas City transforms high-quality raw materials into innovative food products - whether stuffed chicken breast or veggie kebabs. Quality, innovation and appetizing appearance always come first.
Premier Custom Foods from Kansas City transforms high-quality raw materials into innovative food products - whether stuffed chicken breast or veggie kebabs. Quality, innovation and appetizing appearance always come first.