Tipptasemel tehnoloogia, mis vastab igale nõudele
Kas teil on termoformeerile väga spetsiifilised nõuded? Nõustame teid ja leiame meie laiast tootevalikust teie jaoks sobiva lahenduse. MULTIVAC seab oma kohandatud lahendustega ülemaailmse standardi - toiduainetööstusele ning meditsiini- ja farmaatsiatoodete pakendamises. Modulaarne konstruktsioon tagab suure protsessikindluse, samuti paindlikkuse, reprodutseeritavuse ja kasutusmugavuse - ning vastab samal ajal teie konkreetse sektori kriitilistele hügieeninõuetele. Tulemuseks on suurepärased pakendamistulemused, mis vastavad teie kõrgetele kvaliteedinõuetele ja isegi ületavad neid.
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Secure packaging of wound contact products
With its patented Debrisoft® wound contact products, Lohmann & Rauscher offers an holistic concept for all aspects of therapeutic wound cleaning, and one which is painless for patients in its application.
With its patented Debrisoft® wound contact products, Lohmann & Rauscher offers an holistic concept for all aspects of therapeutic wound cleaning, and one which is painless for patients in its application.

Halal meat and sausage products in many varieties
Burger patties, pizza toppings, sausage and sausage products as well as tasty snacks and ready meals are the core business of Fettayleh Foods. The company is now benefiting from an R 105 MF thermoforming packaging machine.
Burger patties, pizza toppings, sausage and sausage products as well as tasty snacks and ready meals are the core business of Fettayleh Foods. The company is now benefiting from an R 105 MF thermoforming packaging machine.

MultiFresh™ packs with full-wrap labelling increase the attractiveness at the point of sale
To increase the attractiveness of the salmon products, Seafood Farmers of Norway AS invested in a thermoforming packaging machine for producing high-quality vacuum skin packs and in a labelling solution for the D labelling of the packs.
To increase the attractiveness of the salmon products, Seafood Farmers of Norway AS invested in a thermoforming packaging machine for producing high-quality vacuum skin packs and in a labelling solution for the D labelling of the packs.

Valve sets packed efficiently and reliably
Science and technological progress, combined with inspiration and
determination - this is the basis of Boston Scientific's success.
Science and technological progress, combined with inspiration and
determination - this is the basis of Boston Scientific's success.

Automated production of combi packs
The production of combination packs for pharmaceutical products requires feeding systems that are precisely matched to the respective components and integrated into the packaging line.
The production of combination packs for pharmaceutical products requires feeding systems that are precisely matched to the respective components and integrated into the packaging line.

Wine serving 4.0 – how a Belgian start-up company revolutionizes the hospitality industry
The trend in wine consumption in the hotel and restaurant industry is clearly moving towards serving wine by the glass. Invineo SA therefore turned to MULTIVAC to realize a marketable and innovative packaging solution for wine.
The trend in wine consumption in the hotel and restaurant industry is clearly moving towards serving wine by the glass. Invineo SA therefore turned to MULTIVAC to realize a marketable and innovative packaging solution for wine.

Beef jerky in attractive aluminium packs
The Chinese company, Zhangfei Beef, recognized the jerky trend at an early stage and now presents its high-quality beef snacks at the point of sale in attractive aluminium packs.
The Chinese company, Zhangfei Beef, recognized the jerky trend at an early stage and now presents its high-quality beef snacks at the point of sale in attractive aluminium packs.

“Braced for the challenges of the future”
Traditional butcher's shop Wenisch increases productivity with thermoforming packaging machine from MULTIVAC.
Traditional butcher's shop Wenisch increases productivity with thermoforming packaging machine from MULTIVAC.

Reliable quality control
Bell Schweiz AG with its headquarters in Basel is currently evaluating a pilot inspection system with a view to major investment. Pack aktuell* spoke to the person responsible for the project.
Bell Schweiz AG with its headquarters in Basel is currently evaluating a pilot inspection system with a view to major investment. Pack aktuell* spoke to the person responsible for the project.