최고의 효율성을 갖춘 뛰어난 인쇄 품질
날짜, 배치 번호 또는 바코드와 같은 유연한 데이터를 완벽하게 인쇄하는 것은 MULTIVAC 다이렉트 프린터가 탁월한 효율성을 습득해야 하는 과제입니다. 통합 인쇄 모듈은 트레이 실러와 결합되어 모든 표준 인쇄 프로세스를 잘 커버합니다.
뛰어난 성능과 비용절감
신뢰성, 가용성, 품질이 손상되지 않습니다! 생산 프로세스의 절대적인 신뢰성은 성공을 위한 본질적인 구성 요소 중 하나입니다. 연속 모드에서 교체 시간이 짧고 모든 필름에 정밀하게 인쇄하는 것이 가능합니다. 또한 가동 비용 절감 및 재현성 극대화가 비용 절감을 높이는 열쇠입니다.
성공 사례

MULTIVAC Tray Carrier as a solution for packing in small series of batches
Comprehensive quality control
Comprehensive quality control
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Success has a name
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series from MULTIVAC Marking & Inspection offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling of cylindrical and oval products, shaped bottles, glasses and pots. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series from MULTIVAC Marking & Inspection offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling of cylindrical and oval products, shaped bottles, glasses and pots. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.
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Networked, reliable and efficient: a new dimension in tray packaging
Whether it is gourmet hamburgers, filled chicken breast, beef and poultry kebabs or even veggie kebabs, pork fillets or asparagus in bacon - quality, innovation and appetizing appearance are always the first priority at Premier Custom Foods. The ethos of the food producer based in Kansas City is to transform high-quality raw materials into innovative food products, to rethink the concept of taste, and to constantly surprise consumers with new ideas.
Whether it is gourmet hamburgers, filled chicken breast, beef and poultry kebabs or even veggie kebabs, pork fillets or asparagus in bacon - quality, innovation and appetizing appearance are always the first priority at Premier Custom Foods. The ethos of the food producer based in Kansas City is to transform high-quality raw materials into innovative food products, to rethink the concept of taste, and to constantly surprise consumers with new ideas.
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