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신뢰할 수 있는 검사 결과는 확실한 품질 보증을 위한 전제 조건입니다. 계량 공정이 자동으로 포장 프로세스에 통합되지 않는 경우, 계량 작업이 부정확한 경우가 많습니다. 완전 통합식 MULTIVAC 체크웨이어로 절대적인 정밀성과 신뢰성을 확보할 수 있습니다. 이 장비는 내부 및 법적 품질 요건을 준수하는 데에 크게 기여합니다. 당사는 고객의 필요에 맞게 제품 무게를 선별을 할 수있으며, 기존 생산 및 포장 시스템에 쉽게 통합할 수 있습니다.
다년간의 시스템 역량을 활용하여 전체 라인에 맞게 연결하고 제어할 수 있도록 여러분을 지원합니다. 따라서 포장 프로세스의 효율성과 경제성을 높일 뿐만 아니라 전체 라인의 설치 면적을 줄일 수 있습니다. 따라서 생산효율성을 높일 수 있으며, 지속 가능성을 유지 할 수 있습니다.
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성공 사례

Reliable quality control
Thanks to visual inspection systems, quality control can be automated within the packaging procedure. These systems offer added value, particularly for food-processing businesses, since all the packs in a batch can be checked seamlessly instead of random sampling. Bell Schweiz AG with its headquarters in Basel is currently evaluating a pilot inspection system with a view to major investment. Pack aktuell* spoke to the person responsible for the project.
Thanks to visual inspection systems, quality control can be automated within the packaging procedure. These systems offer added value, particularly for food-processing businesses, since all the packs in a batch can be checked seamlessly instead of random sampling. Bell Schweiz AG with its headquarters in Basel is currently evaluating a pilot inspection system with a view to major investment. Pack aktuell* spoke to the person responsible for the project.
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For maximum security - Product monitoring in the packaging procedure
Thanks to a wide range of inspection solutions, capable of seamelss integrationd into the packaging line, automated quality control can be performed very reliably, even for high-output applications.
Thanks to a wide range of inspection solutions, capable of seamelss integrationd into the packaging line, automated quality control can be performed very reliably, even for high-output applications.
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Success has a name
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series from MULTIVAC Marking & Inspection offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling of cylindrical and oval products, shaped bottles, glasses and pots. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.
The modular conveyor belt labellers of the L 320 series from MULTIVAC Marking & Inspection offer the highest level of flexibility and precision in the labelling of cylindrical and oval products, shaped bottles, glasses and pots. Just such a model has recently been put into operation at Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel for labelling the Linola products among others.
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