
我們針對您的所有生產挑戰為您提供整體解決方案。我們在加工、包裝以及到生產線終端流程前都進行個人化的配置。針對包裝流程的上下游流程,我們與戰略合作夥伴合作,他們也是本行業的領導者。這確保了完美匹配,並始終確保出色的結果。此外,我們願意將現有協力廠商產品 納入到您的個人化生產線方案中。根據您的要求和生產目標提供適合您的優質生產線解決方案,而不是相反。


透過 MULTIVAC 客製化諮詢和實現靈活、始終安全的醫藥品包裝線 - 可追溯和可重複。
透過 MULTIVAC 客製化諮詢和實現靈活、始終安全的醫藥品包裝線 - 可追溯和可重複。

MULTIVAC 為工業和消費品製造商提供深入的諮詢和定制生產線解決方案。我們可確保最高的產品安全性和流程效率。
MULTIVAC 為工業和消費品製造商提供深入的諮詢和定制生產線解決方案。我們可確保最高的產品安全性和流程效率。

Automation in meat processing offers a wide range of benefits
The food industry is booming. An ever increasing number of fresh and processed food products, snacks, ready meals, and convenience products have to be manufactured and packed. But it has become more difficult to find suitable or qualified staff. There is currently an acute lack of personnel in the meat processing sector. At the same time, hygiene and quality requirements are increasing. Automation solutions provide one way out of the dilemma. However, robots have been used to a very limited extent in the meat industry up to now.
The food industry is booming. An ever increasing number of fresh and processed food products, snacks, ready meals, and convenience products have to be manufactured and packed. But it has become more difficult to find suitable or qualified staff. There is currently an acute lack of personnel in the meat processing sector. At the same time, hygiene and quality requirements are increasing. Automation solutions provide one way out of the dilemma. However, robots have been used to a very limited extent in the meat industry up to now.

Automation solutions for the bakery product industry
The bread and bakery product industry finds itself in a far-reaching transition. Cost pressure, product diversity in the market, altered consumer habits, and hygiene regulations require companies not only to adapt their product range but also to optimise their production processes. One important approach as regards packaging are solutions with a high degree of automation.
The bread and bakery product industry finds itself in a far-reaching transition. Cost pressure, product diversity in the market, altered consumer habits, and hygiene regulations require companies not only to adapt their product range but also to optimise their production processes. One important approach as regards packaging are solutions with a high degree of automation.

Automated production of combi packs
Packaging procedures with a high degree of complexity are often used to produce combi packs for pharmaceutical products. Infeed systems, which have to be tailored precisely to the particular components, and also integrated into the packaging line, are required for the automated infeed and loading of the various product components. This means the top priority is the precise and secure positioning of the product components, which are usually very small.
Packaging procedures with a high degree of complexity are often used to produce combi packs for pharmaceutical products. Infeed systems, which have to be tailored precisely to the particular components, and also integrated into the packaging line, are required for the automated infeed and loading of the various product components. This means the top priority is the precise and secure positioning of the product components, which are usually very small.