MULTIVAC كشريك استراتيجي
شركة MULTIVAC شريكا استراتيجيا مثبتا لصناعة الأغذية. يمكنك زيادة إنتاجيتك ومرونتك بشكل كبير من خلال حلول المعالجة أو التعبئة الفعالة التي نقدمها. كما نقدم لك شراكة تطلعية وموثوقة للمستقبل. في جميع أنحاء العالم ، تقوم فرقنا متعددة التخصصات بتطوير حلول رائدة لصناعة الأغذية وإتقان التحديات الخاصة بالمنتج بدقة وتفاني فائقين.
نحن نحب الطعام الجيد - ونحن ندفع باستمرار إلى الأمام لتطوير حلول أكثر كفاءة واستدامة لمستقبل الإمدادات الغذائية!
- مفاهيم خط MULTIVAC للخضروات الخضراء
- حلول خط MULTIVAC للنقانق المستقيمة
- حلول خط إنتاج MULTIVAC للمنتجات المقطعة إلى شرائح
- حلول خط MULTIVAC للبرجر
الأمن من مصدر واحد - غير معقدة وموثوقة.
من الاستشارة الأولى إلى خدمة ما بعد البيع ، نقدم دعما شاملا لتعبئة طعامك. يمكننا تكوين معداتك عالية الأداء للحصول على مخرجات أعلى. من الفكرة الأولى إلى التنفيذ المثالي ، ستستفيد من حل الخط المنسق الخاص بنا من مصدر واحد.

الفوائد الخاصة بك
مواضيع أخرى ذات أهمية
قصص نجاح

Automation in meat processing offers a wide range of benefits
The food industry is booming. An ever increasing number of fresh and processed food products, snacks, ready meals, and convenience products have to be manufactured and packed. But it has become more difficult to find suitable or qualified staff. There is currently an acute lack of personnel in the meat processing sector. At the same time, hygiene and quality requirements are increasing. Automation solutions provide one way out of the dilemma. However, robots have been used to a very limited extent in the meat industry up to now.
The food industry is booming. An ever increasing number of fresh and processed food products, snacks, ready meals, and convenience products have to be manufactured and packed. But it has become more difficult to find suitable or qualified staff. There is currently an acute lack of personnel in the meat processing sector. At the same time, hygiene and quality requirements are increasing. Automation solutions provide one way out of the dilemma. However, robots have been used to a very limited extent in the meat industry up to now.
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Automation solutions for the bakery product industry
The bread and bakery product industry finds itself in a far-reaching transition. Cost pressure, product diversity in the market, altered consumer habits, and hygiene regulations require companies not only to adapt their product range but also to optimise their production processes. One important approach as regards packaging are solutions with a high degree of automation.
The bread and bakery product industry finds itself in a far-reaching transition. Cost pressure, product diversity in the market, altered consumer habits, and hygiene regulations require companies not only to adapt their product range but also to optimise their production processes. One important approach as regards packaging are solutions with a high degree of automation.
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