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Fleksibilnost i brzina neophodni su kada je riječ o povećanju učinkovitosti i isplativosti. Što također čini Vaš stroj isplativim? Ova potpuna integracija u postojeće MULTIVAC sustave označavanja, izravne web pisače i centralno kontrolirane iz jednog HMI-ja. Automatsko učitavanje izgleda ispisa putem recepta osigurava korištenje točnih podataka o ispisu, a to zauzvrat osigurava ispis rezultata ispisa. Pratimo Vas tijekom cijelog životnog vijeka vaše linije, a mi ćemo biti uz Vas savjetima i pomoći te osigurati da Vaši proizvodi zasjaju sjajnom slikom ispisa na prodajnom mjestu.
Ostale zanimljive teme
Uspješne priče

Automated label and print inspection in the food industry
Rising demands in food labelling increase the complexity of information that has to be printed on labels. As the throughput of packaging lines continues to increase, it is no longer possible for the human eye to inspect label print thoroughly. Although present legislation does not yet stipulate the use of visual inspection systems for checking labels, investment in automatic inspection systems can be very beneficial for many reasons.
Rising demands in food labelling increase the complexity of information that has to be printed on labels. As the throughput of packaging lines continues to increase, it is no longer possible for the human eye to inspect label print thoroughly. Although present legislation does not yet stipulate the use of visual inspection systems for checking labels, investment in automatic inspection systems can be very beneficial for many reasons.
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