MeetMULTIVAC: Sales Office Manager
Introducing the team at MULTIVAC

At MULTIVAC, our people share the same vision and values to help process and package what is valuable to your business, but how much do you know about the different areas of our business, and the people who make it all happen?
We’re making business more human and introducing you to some of our hard-working, knowledgeable, employees from the various departments at MULTIVAC UK.
It’s our October instalment of MeetMULTIVAC...
Andy Duff, Sales Office Manager
What do you do at MULTIVAC? Describe your role...
I manage a great team in the sales office. They underpin a huge amount of technical and sales processes, which are integral to being able to sell machines at Multivac.
What does your day to day look like?
Every day is so different at Multivac, it‘s impossible to define any particular day. Usually though, we start off with a team meeting to discuss work load and priorities, but also any difficulties the team may be having. Sometimes the outcome of that will have an impact on course of the rest of my day.
As a company, we have a varied and flexible approach to how we sell machines. We’re always trying to find the best solution for the customer, but ultimately we have to be able to channel that into a sofisticated manufacturing process at the factory. The sales office in Swindon often have to be very resourceful in how to make that happen, but we do love a challenge!
How long have you worked at MULTIVAC in your role? Have you had any other roles at MULTIVAC?
I have been managing the team for 4 years now, having joined the team nearly 10 years ago as a Technical Sales Advisor.
What do you like about working at MULTIVAC? What’s your favourite part of your job?
It all comes back to the fact every day is different at Multivac, which I do like. Ultimately though, it’s the people that make it so great. There’s so many brilliant colleagues and personalities in the company. It also helps that the team I work with are outstanding!
What is a current problem our customers/industry are facing that you are aiming to fix?
I’d say the constantly changing markets, driven by cost reduction and sustainability goals. It means for us, that we are often asked to retrofit machines to be able to adapt to different materials. Our team is evolving all the time to understand the challenges, meaning we’re getting quicker at providing solutions. Additionally, this is helping us to be more aware of what we can do to future proof new machines.
What are you generally working on at the moment which you are happy to share?
I am working on a complex retrofit for a customer in the medical sector at the moment, who wishes to run multiple older die sets on a new machine.
What is your favourite hobby outside of work and why does it bring you joy?
I am a competitive cyclist and runner and have been competing since I was in my teens. I like the escapism that I can get from training, but also the focus and the excitement of competing and trying to constantly get better (or defy the ageing process!)
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
All the things boys want to be... Fire engine driver, Rally car driver... But ultimately I would have been a Pro Cyclist if passion out-weighed genetics!
Where is the most interesting place you have visted/travelled to and why?
Split in Croatia- there is such a rich history which I cannot do justice to in a few words, but it is also a beautiful part of the world. Even when you go there for the first time, it feels very familiar in places, as so many parts of the Dalmatian coast have been used in film scenes over the years. Most notably, Game of Thrones.
What three items would you take with you to a desserted island?
A barbeque, a fishing rod and a boat.
Tell us something we don’t know! A surprising or fun fact about you...
For the last 10 years I have been coaching American Football, and this year our programme won a National Championship. I must be doing something right!

Stay tuned for next month‘s instalment of MeetMULTIVAC!
For more information on any of our materials and packaging solutions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us