MeetMULTIVAC: Customer Service Advisor, Commercial Technical
Introducing the team at MULTIVAC

At MULTIVAC, our people share the same vision and values to help process and package what is valuable to your business, but how much do you know about the different areas of our business, and the people who make it all happen?
We’re making business more human and introducing you to some of our hard-working, knowledgeable, employees from the various departments at MULTIVAC UK.
It’s our December instalment of MeetMULTIVAC...
Tim Healy, Customer Service Advisor, Commercial Technical
What do you do at MULTIVAC? Describe your role...
I work in the spare parts department where I process customer’s orders, arrange returns and credits (only if necessary though!), create lists for recommended spare parts for our customers and deal with customer enquiries for the department. Once a month, I assist my Senior Manager with inventory control which helps to vary my workload.
What does your day to day look like?
No two days turn out exactly the same, as you never know what situation a customer might find themsleves in – an urgent breakdown at site can drastcially change your plans for the day! Typically, I’m answering email and telephone queries that range from spare part identification, price and availability, orders, invoice queries etc. We are currently trying to upsell recommended spares to negate customer down time, and I usually do this task in the afternoon when it’s a little quieter.
How long have you worked at MULTIVAC in your role? Have you had any other roles at MULTIVAC?
I have been with MULTIVAC for 6 years. When I first started, I was also part of the service planning team in addition to spare parts, but this ended when the two departments separated. I enjoy working with my colleagues in spare parts, and I think they would miss me too much if I moved departments!
What do you like about working at MULTIVAC? What’s your favourite part of your job?
It will probably sound cliché, but my favourite thing about working for MULTIVAC, is the people. We have a fantastic team, several of which have been here for many years with a vast pool of knowledge and experience to draw from. Our HR team, alongside our charity and social committee, always ensure there is something fun and enjoyable to look forward to at work.
What would you say is the most unique aspect to your role here at MULTIVAC?
I don’t know if you could call it unique, but it really is fascinating getting an insight into the technical workings of our machines, which insight you could only learn through the weird and wonderful enquiries we get from customers on the factory floor.
What are you generally working on at the moment which you are happy to share?
I am currently learning the process for selling and booking customers onto our bespoke training courses, marketed at engineers who would like to gain a better understanding of our machines. Additionally, outside of work, I am slowly working on learning the German language through Duo Lingo, but currently my vocabulary is very limited! Hopefully, this will enable me to communicate with our German colleagues in the future.
What is your favourite hobby outside of work and why does it bring you joy?
I really enjoy writing and making music. I write and record my own rap/hip hop music, and once won an online competition, which was the pinnacle of my music career!
What is your most prized possession and why?
I try not to attach myself to material possessions, but I do have a teddy bear that was given to me by my late grandfather on the day I was born, that I still have with me to this date. He sits in my room and reminds me of my Pop every time I see him.
Where is the most interesting place you have visted/travelled to and why?
I’m fortunate enough to have visited several places, but my favourite was probably Kyiv, in 2020. I visited Pripyat and Chernobyl shortly before the global pandemic, and whilst there was a sense of tragedy and loss, it was also very interesting to see a part of global history. I also visited Alberta, Canada last year, which is a close second, as the scenery there was simply breathtaking.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
Does visiting MUWO count? I would love to be able to see the factory and meet the amazing colleagues I speak to on a day to basis! But that aside, New York is somewhere that I have always wanted to visit, and hopefully I will get the opportunity to do so at some point.
Tell us something we don’t know! A surprising or fun fact about you...
Growing up in Australia, I was fortunate enough to have had a starring role (an extra) in Home and Away, so I guess you could say that makes me a mini celebrity! No autographs, please!

Stay tuned for next month‘s instalment of MeetMULTIVAC!
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