Watch Wing Xian, Owner and Operations Director at SIHE International Group, demonstrate how she transitioned from manual packaging to full automation with the compact R105 thermoforming packaging machine from MULTIVAC.
“We retail more than 40 SKUs of our savory products under the Chef Shuo brand originally through Asian supermarkets and now increasingly through the largest grocery chains,” says Wing. Going from manual pouch and chamber packaging to inline thermoforming packaging has allowed Wing to dramatically grow her business.
Phil Crozier, National Sales Manager at MULTIVAC Canada, demonstrates with Wing in the video the ergonomic switching of dies to allow the packaging of whole cooked chickens in the resilient and lightweight top and bottom rollstock film, also supplied by MULTIVAC.
Wing adds, “The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is very easy to use, and the language-switching program allows for easy operation for our Chinese-speaking operators.”
Witness the journey of this food processor as she seamlessly transitions from manual to fully automatic packaging with a touch of a button on her MULTIVAC R105.