Management change at MULTIVAC
Broader basis with new four-man team at the top

Wolfertschwenden, 20 September 2022 - Guido Spix is leaving his position as joint Group President of MULTIVAC on 31 December 2022. From 1 January 2023 Christian Traumann will preside over the company as Group President and Spokesman for the Management Team. Jointly with three new Directors on the Management Team, Bernd Höpner (CTO), Dr Christian Lau (COO) and Dr Tobias Richter (CSO).
On 31 December 2022 Guido Spix is terminating his contract as Group President of MULTIVAC at his own instigation for family reasons. This will end almost 14 years working for the company. In February 2009 he joined the company's Management Team as Technical Director. Since January 2020 Guido Spix has exercised dual leadership of the MULTIVAC Group with Christian Traumann as joint Group Presidents. He has been responsible for production and the innovation strategy throughout the Group. Under his leadership the company has developed from a machine manufacturer to a supplier of complete solutions, and it has also continued to expand its technological dominance in the market. The network of international production sites was enlarged. Today MULTIVAC has 13 production sites, which ensure that the company is always close to its customers anywhere in the world.
Guido Spix will remain associated with the company on an amicable basis, and he will continue to offer his support
“The Supervisory Board greatly appreciates the many years of successful work and commitment by Guido Spix for MULTIVAC, and it would like to express its thanks on behalf of all the company's owners,” says Elmar Fischer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at MULTIVAC. “We have complete respect for his personal reasons. We wish him all the very best for the future.” Guido Spix will remain associated with the company and its owners on an amicable basis, and he will continue to offer advice in the future.
For reasons of the company's continuing growth, the Supervisory Board is establishing the Group's management on a broader basis
With the imminent departure of Guido Spix, and in the light of the gratifying growth of the MULTIVAC Group, the Supervisory Board has taken the decision to establish the structure of the Group's management on a broader basis. On 1 January 2023 Christian Traumann will become Group President and Spokesman for the Management Team. He has worked for the company since 2002, and he has been a member of the Management Team since 2008. Since the beginning of 2020 he has exercised dual leadership of the MULTIVAC Group with Guido Spix. Three new Directors are appointed to the Management Team, Bernd Höpner (CTO), Dr Christian Lau (COO) and Dr Tobias Richter (CSO).
“I am delighted, that we have been able to fill the new management positions from our own ranks. This enables us to secure the continuity with our customers and business partners as the basis for further successful development of our business,” says Christian Traumann. The company is operating in a dynamic market environment, in which automation and digitalisation are playing an ever greater role. “As the technology leader in the market, MULTIVAC is able not only to offer complete solutions, but will also continue to set the trend. A long-term and trusting relationship with our customers will remain in future the focus of the MULTIVAC Group. Our closeness to our customers, both now and in the future, forms the basis for the success strategy of MULTIVAC. Something that I stand for with all my colleagues.”

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Tanja Böck
Public Relations Manager
Tel: +49 8334 601-0