It is MULTIVAC's primary objective to handle all business matters in accordance with the law and in an ethically correct manner. This makes it possible to prevent misconduct and violations and to avert damage to MULTIVAC, its employees, business partners and owners. In order to prevent violations, to recognize them at an early stage and to eliminate them as quickly as possible, it is important that our employees and business partners report openly about critical activities and misconduct in our company. Reporting categories on human rights violations in the supply chain and on violations relevant under criminal law, such as fraudulent activities and theft, but also violations such as money laundering, tax evasion, data protection, antitrust and competition law violations, and even discrimination in the workplace, have been set up to process your tips. Please note that this whistleblower system is not a general complaint platform.
The confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the persons who are the subject of the report and other persons named in the report will be maintained. The information will only be given to the departments responsible for further processing.
Here you can send us your complaint / tip anonymously or confidentially. Your report will be sent to MULTIVAC Group Compliance Office in Wolfertschwenden (DE).
Link to the reporting form: